Grapevine Stories

An interview with Polly Williamson

This is a truly inspiring video interview with a remarkable lady, Polly Williamson, who suffered a near fatal brain injury in a riding accident 9 years ago. She talks to me about her long road to recovery and her brilliant book she has written called ‘Where did I go’ that I recommend you all read.

Please do watch this video interview about Polly's long and sometimes rocky road to recovery.

I also really recommend you read her brilliantly honest and humbling book, 'Where did I go'. You can order here at,

Grapevine is a trusted network of private members, linking kindred spirits from town or country. Members promote, sell or buy goods and services within the network.

Grapevine also believes in supporting young people to get a strong start through internships and work placements. We also help a number of charities including Heads Together and The Injured Jockeys Fund.