Grapevine Stories
Grapevine member Lil Milligan is gearing up to run the London Marathon!
Blood, sweat & tears don't cut it but Lil is forging on to raise money for the worthwhile charity 'Tamar' which supports & restores women who've been victims of exploitation within the sex industry.
Lil Milligan would love your support!
Over the last 6 months Lil has trained, carbed, lost sleep, sought advice, panicked, been excited, regretted and now counting down the days to the Virgin London Marathon. With the big day less than a month away (28th April to be precise), now is the time when many hours of pounding the streets is all coming together. Lil's chosen charity is one slightly off the beaten track ('scuse the pun)! Tamar is an charity outreaching to sex workers in Westminster, with a focus on supporting victims of human trafficking.
Lil has volunteered for around 3 years with a small team of volunteers, from all sorts of backgrounds, professions and dispositions who meet weekly to reach this vulnerable client group. The purpose is to restore hope to each person (women and trans) and provide a life line in the form of 1-1 English lessons, accompaniment to healthcare visits, translation for asylum appointments and throughout, being there as a consistent friendly face. Tamar is a Christian charity, aiming to share the love of Jesus with everyone we meet. The work Tamar does brings many challenges, overwhelming at times (emotionally as well as logistically) and never ending as the numbers of women trafficked for sexual exploitation continue to increase (Home Office, 2018).
But through the faithful perseverance of volunteers, lives have literally been saved, and these are lives of people who have been forgotten, abused or exploited by others for the simple commodity of pleasure. Tamar's work will never been finished, but the difference it makes on a day to day basis means that for some, the work is life changing and eternal. Tamar’s work would also not be possible without the generous giving of supporters, to impact many hundreds of lives yet to be loved for who they are, rather than for what their bodies can offer.
Any donations would therefore be enormously appreciated by Lil, the Tamar team and those Tamar have yet to meet, please click on the link below to donate:
Grapevine is a trusted network of private members, linking kindred spirits from town or country. Members promote, sell or buy goods and services within the network.
Grapevine also believes in supporting young people to get a strong start through internships and work placements. We also help a number of charities including Heads Together and The Injured Jockeys Fund.