Grapevine Stories

Interview with Charles Berkeley

I had a great chat with Charlie Berkeley recently, at his family home, Berkeley Castle, in Gloucestershire. Charlie's family have lived there for 27 generations and many historical events have taken place at this beautiful castle.

Charlie shares some of the fascinating history and notable events that have taken place at the castle, including the death of King Edward II who came to a rather grisly end there, in 1327. 

We also hear some pretty spooky stories experienced by Charlie’s mother over the years!

Grapevine is a trusted network of private members, linking kindred spirits from town or country. Members promote, sell or buy goods and services within the network.

Grapevine also believes in supporting young people to get a strong start through internships and work placements. We also help a number of charities including Heads Together and The Injured Jockeys Fund.