Grapevine Stories

Interview with the 2019 BBC's Masterchef runner-up Olivia Burt

Olivia Burt was the BBC's 2019 Masterchef runner-up and former Sous Chef at Claridge's. She then went on to be head chef at Chelsea's Stanley's. We discuss her time on Masterchef, her career so far and her favourite ingredients she likes to work with. Liv will also be doing some cooking demos at the Blenheim Food Festival at the end of May where we can learn lots of valuable techniques and secret tips for perfecting our own culinary skills. She will also be signing copies of her first book, 'Good Looking Cooking' at the festival.

If you're interested in attending the Blenheim Food Festival from Saturday 25th to Monday 27th May, Olivia will be doing her demos and signing her book on Sunday 26th May. You can purchase your tickets here,

Olivia's book 'Good Looking Cooking' can be purchased here,

This great book gives us the invaluable tips and a step by step guide to making our creations not only taste amazing but look amazing too.

Grapevine is a trusted network of private members, linking kindred spirits from town or country. Members promote, sell or buy goods and services within the network.

Grapevine also believes in supporting young people to get a strong start through internships and work placements. We also help a number of charities including Heads Together and The Injured Jockeys Fund.